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Valacyclovir en pacientes SFC post virales a EBV

Publicado: 01 Feb 2010, 18:48
por Merce
* A six-month trial of Valacyclovir in the Epstein-Barr virus subset of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Improvement in left ventricular function
Prueba de seis meses de Valaciclovir en SFC tras EBV: Mejora en la función del ventrículo izquierdo

A six-month trial of Valacyclovir in the Epstein-Barr virus subset of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Improvement in left ventricular function
Lerner AM, Beqaj SH, Deeter RG, Dworkin HJ, Zervos M, Chang CH, Fitzgerald JT, Goldstein J, O'Neill W.

This study was designed to determine safety and efficacy of a 6-month trial of valacyclovir in single-virus Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) persistent infection. Phase I of this study used four specific criteria to define a subset of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). In the second phase, myocardial dynamics were measured by MUGA rest/stress radionuclide ventriculographic (RVG) examinations pre- and posttreatment with valacyclovir.

In phase I, a trial was performed in 19 consecutive CFS patients with the following diagnostic conditions: patients met criteria for diagnosis of CFS; they had had CFS for less than 1 year. They demonstrated repetitively abnormal oscillating T waves (ischemic or flat) at 24-h Holter monitoring; and they had elevated serum IgM antibody titers to EBV viral capsid antigen and/or total diffuse early antigen as measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. The treatment group comprised 10 CFS patients with no serum antibodies to human cytomegalovirus, but the control group (nine CFS patients) had, additionally, high titers of serum antibodies (IgG) to conformational structural antigens of human cytomegalovirus. Both the parallel treatment and control CFS groups received valacyclovir 1.0-1.5 gm q.6.h. for 6 months.This valacyclovir dose achieved serum acyclovir C(max) of > 7 microm and high antiviral activity versus EBV (IC(50) of 4.4-13.3 m). In phase II, six additional CFS patients met the same four criteria as the 19 CFS patients in phase I. They had, however, been ill for a mean of 55.8 months. Thus, 25 CFS patients comprise this study. The studies were carried out at a single outpatient practice in Birmingham, MI, U.S.A. Before initiating valacyclovir, and after 6 months of treatment, clinical and laboratory observations were made. The CFS Energy Index point score (Table I) was used to record each CFS patient's functional capacity at baseline and after 1, 3 and 6 months of valacyclovir. Energy Index point scores, as well as EBV and human cytomegalovirus serum antibody titers were assessed.

In the second phase, left ventricular dynamics were repeated after 6 months of treatment with valacyclovir.

We concluded that the 16 CFS patients (included in both phases of this study) with EBV-persistent infection (EBV single-virus subset) are improved after 6 months of continuous pharmacokinetic dosing with valacyclovir. Nine CFS patients with EBV/human cytomegalovirus co-infection did not benefit from 6 months of similar treatment. Valacyclovir is not an effective anti-human cytomegalovirus antiviral drug. Unimproved CFS patients with co-infections EBV and human cytomegalovirus may require combined treatment with valacyclovir and another drug more active against human cytomegalovirus. This preliminary trial, with a small number of patients, may be critical to an appropriately designed larger, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Copyright 2002 Prous Science

PMID: 12582420 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Re: Valacyclovir en pacientes SFC post virales a EBV

Publicado: 27 Feb 2010, 13:54
por binizzy
Hace cosa de 1 año estuve unos meses (unos 4 o 5) con esta pauta de medicación de Valtrex (3-4 gramos/dia)

Algo mejoró mi fatiga, no del todo.
Los niveles de EBV me bajaron (no se normalizaron)
Lo único increible fué que mis transaminasas, que indican infección o inflamación hepática, y que llevaban 4-5 años altas, se normalizaron!!!TODAS!!!

Obviamente había una infección del EBV del hígado y eso que la IgM no estaba activada, pero si las IgG's.

Eso demuestra que los virus, en esta caso el Epstein Barr, en estado de reactivación puede continuar siendo infeccioso, el problema es que pocos médicos lo aceptan (sólo algunos especialistas en virología, de los que en España hay contados)


Re: Valacyclovir en pacientes SFC post virales a EBV

Publicado: 27 Jul 2020, 12:51
por Jona
Hola, llevo tres semanas tomando 500 gr de valtrex. Me gustaria saber si alguien lo esta tomando y cuando empezó a notar mejoria.
Noto algo de dolor de cabeza y ayer los ganglios del cuello algo inflamados.

A parte de esto hago ejercicio todo la semana por mi trabajo pero cuando descanso es horrible. Me viene un alertagamiento brutal de casi no poder moverme y solo lo remonto a mitad semana.
Si me paso no me recupero y si no hago ejercicio es como si estuviera moribundo.
Q puta enfermedad!

Re: Valacyclovir en pacientes SFC post virales a EBV

Publicado: 29 Ene 2021, 19:38
por nani1966
Yo tomé valcyclovir durante casi tres años .
Ese periodo tan largo,lo aconsejó ensu momento el Dr Montoya ,lamentablemente no encontré ningún resultado

Re: Valacyclovir en pacientes SFC post virales a EBV

Publicado: 30 Ene 2021, 00:31
por nani1966
Pero lo cierto es q a mi me lo recetaron desde Barcelona,y yo viviendo en Córdoba,no tuve ningún tipo de seguimiento.
Siempre pese q sin control los resultados, q solo podía valorar yo,no podían tener demasiada relevancia