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XMRV, teoría y tto. R. Konynenburg

Publicado: 26 Feb 2010, 17:55
por EndSFC
Os pego lo que en estos momentos piensa R. Konynenburg con respecto al XMRV y su teoría propuesta, y sobre el papel que el ciclo de metilación juega en el SFC.

En resumen, como ya he dicho algunas veces, el XMRV cree que encaja perfectamente en su teoría, ya sea como causa primera o como estresante secundario. Y en cuanto al tratamiento propuesto para el ciclo de metilación, apunta que conforme pasa el tiempo se da cuenta de que la gente más enferma no llega a curarse sólo tomando los suplementos para este ciclo, si no que requiere tratar otras condiciones, que, o bien llevaron a la enfermedad, o bien se desarrollaron como consecuencia de la misma:

Hi, George.

I don't think anyone knows for sure yet how XMRV is involved with CFS. It could be a first cause (maybe even THE first cause), but until the differences between the studies reported so far are ironed out, I don't think we can know for sure. As far as my GD--MCB hypothesis is concerned, I think it would mesh with the XMRV in either of two ways: either the XMRV acts as a first cause and contributes to the depletion of glutathione, or XMRV gets involved later in the pathogenesis as a result of the dysfunction of the immune system that results from glutathione depletion, methylation cycle block, and draining of the folate metabolites from the cells. It appears that lots of other latent viruses reactivate when the immune system becomes dysfunctional.

With regard to whether I think that if people would follow the simplified protocol they would be cured, I don't think I'm ready to go that far, at least in most cases. The evidence so far is that in most cases lifting the methylation cycle block does make a major contribution, but it also seems to be necessary to deal with some other things that either occurred first, and brought down the methylation cycle, such as Lyme disease or mold illness, or things that occurred as a result of the detox system or the immune system being dysfunctional, which was caused by glutathione depletion and the partial block in the methylation cycle. Some of these latter things are major buildup of mercury or other toxic metals, or a viral infection becoming particularly entrenched. I do believe that the partial methylation cycle block is the core issue in the biochemistry of CFS, but I don't think it's the only thing that most people with CFS have to specifically deal with, especially if they have been ill for a long time, so that other things have accumulated while the defenses were down.

When I first proposed this hypothesis, I was more optimistic that fixing this central issue would do the whole job for people, but I do pay attention to evidence, and more of that is coming in all the time, and is suggesting that fixing this partial block won't be all that many people will have to do. I still believe that this is a big deal, though, and I would especially like to see the response of more people who haven't been ill very long, because that would test what I have just written above.

Best regards,
